Possible missing materials in course "Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure (AZ-204)"
I might be overlooking some files, but it seems that I've looked everywhere, and there might be materials missing from the course titled "Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure (AZ-204)".
While watching lesson "ARM Templates - Exercise" (in section "Implement IaaS Solutions"), in the video at 01:45 of 25:32, the instructor refers to a resource file named "Create and deploy Azure Resource Manager templates by using Visual Studio Code.md". This resource file name is also referenced in downloaded files "microsoft-ms-204-1-3-1-arm-templates-exercise.md" and "microsoft-ms-204-1-3-1-arm-templates-exercise.pdf", which are present within the downloaded resource file named "AZ204Notes.zip". This resource file name is also referenced in the web interface in the tab named "Notes" (to the right of the tab named "Episodes").
However, resource file "Create and deploy Azure Resource Manager templates by using Visual Studio Code.md" is not found among any of the downloaded files. There are numerous other files like this missing that the instructor references in the other videos as well.
I've re-downloaded file "AZ204Notes.zip" from the web interface using the "Course Files" button and examined those files again, but I'm not seeing to these various resource files that the instructor mentions and shows in the video (e.g., file "Create and deploy Azure Resource Manager templates by using Visual Studio Code.md").
I've also confirmed that the downloaded "PDF Notes" associated with each episode does not appear to contain the additional resource files the that the instructor refers to and seem to be missing. As far as I've been able to determine, all of the various "PDF Notes" download links are retrieving the same files that are contained within the "AZ204Notes.zip" file.
I've performed comprehensive searches within files for some of the phrases that are shown on the instructor's screen within example resource file "Create and deploy Azure Resource Manager templates by using Visual Studio Code.md", such as the following command from within my working file directory where all available files have been downloaded:
grep -R "select the arm-storage" .
I've tried various combinations of this looking for other phrases that appear in the file shown on the screen by the instructor, but I'm not finding any files which contain any of these phrases. To confirm that my comprehensive search is working correctly, I've run the same search command against known-to-exist phrases that are contained within other files that I do have, and the search does find those phrases within those files, so there doesn't seem to be a problem with my searches.
The instructor referenced resource file "Create and deploy Azure Resource Manager templates by using Visual Studio Code.md" is nowhere to be found, as far as I'm able to determine. The same is the case with additional other files referenced by the instructor in other episodes.
How can I obtain the additional resource files that the instructor references in these lessons?
Thank you for your assistance with this.
We'll have to do a search for these notes. If we have them, we will update them. Adam is no longer with our company, he created them. In the end if do not have them, we will let you know.
After having check through all the available notes. He didn't include the URL he mentioned in the episode. I've done a pretty extensive search of Microsoft Learning site. The closest that I could provide to you is this: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/templates/quickstart-create-templates-use-visual-studio-code?source=recommendations&tabs=CLI
@Ronnie-Wong Thank you for your help and for all of the research that you performed. In my own study notes text files, I've been manually typing the https addresses (URLs) that I'm seeing on the screen in his videos, and that's been working out for the most part.
It's just that many of the lesson videos (though not all) show him walking through these extra notes text files in Visual Studio Code with many extra helpful references and walk through guidance, and these are extra text files that are not included among the available lesson files. One example of this is the file (as appears on the screen in the video) that is named "Create and deploy Azure Resource Manager templates by using Visual Studio Code.md" ... which seems to be his custom text files, with unique files (in this regard) for many of the separate lessons. Below are a few screen captures from lesson "ARM Templates - Exercise" (in section "Implement IaaS Solutions") which show one of these additional text files:
These two images show two portions of this text file in the full context of the video:
And these two images are the same two portions of this text file, but cropped for closer inspection: