10.10 vs. 10.9
I want to go for the Mac Integration but I'm torn between getting 10.10, and 10.9. I've watched all the courses for 10.9 but after reading both guides I feel like they are mostly the same. Yosemite didnt change much from Mavericks. Should I just go for both?
Personally, I would just go for 10.10 and skip over 10.9. You are exactly right in that there weren't a lot of changes (and most of those were cosmetic). I reviewed the new courseware last week, and I feel that anyone that studied the 10.9 courseware should have no issues passing the 10.10 exam. I made a few notes during my courseware review that might help you with that decision. Here are my notes on the changes between the 10.9 and 10.10. courseware:
Mac Integration Basics Changes for 10.10 Update ------------------------------------------------------------ * Step-by-Steps Updated (Minor) + For example: 1. Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Security & Privacy, and then click FileVault. *Becomes* 1. Choose Apple menu > System Preferences. 2. Click Security & Privacy. Then click FileVault. * Screenshots Updated (Minor) + The screenshots now reflect the new "flat" look of buttons, etc. + Very few GUI elements have actually changed as far as button locations or names * Some Additional Hyperlinks Added (Minor) - In several spots, Apple has added hyperlinks for more information. - None appear to be tested material - For example, instead of listing common file extensions, they provide a link (http://support.apple.com/kb/PH14021) so that you can read about supported extensions on their site. - This reduces the overall length of the manual * Boot Camp Instructions Updated (Minor) - Nothing significant - The list of pre-requisites for Boot Camp has been updated to include more details.
Thank you Don for the reply! I plan on taking the Integration exam next week. Since apple has not released the 10.10 Management exam, have you heard of a time frame when they might? I take it that it would be after the new year.
@Don-Pezet Thanks a lot for the advice !
I took the Mac Integration Basics 10.10 exam today and passed it successfully after
- watching your 10.9 videos
- reading carefully both PDFs (10.9 and 10.10)
- and having practiced quite a bit in the past few years in my spare time :smiley:
I appreciated also all the additional information that you provided even when it was not really needed for the test.
Keep up the good work,
An additional difference is that the System Image Utility has a different path location than on Mavericks (/System/Library/CoreServices/)... on Yosemite it is: /System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/
Not sure if it will be on the exam but...