Looking to certify for CySA+ CS0-003
I'm looking to continue my path in Computer Security and am interested in certifying for the CySA+ (CS0-003) course. I see that itpro.tv has both CS0-002/003 courses, but 003 looks to be pretty limited in the course materials. I've been trying to chat with support on this, and they have not been able to provide any guidance on how to comprehensively study for the Exam. Obviously, I want to ensure I'm preparing to pass the latest version of the exam by studying the latest, most current/relevant information to pass CS0-003. I would like some formal statement from itpro.tv SMEs on this, to ensure I understand the best path forward to studying for and passing the CS0-003 exam/certification.Thank you in advance.
We do not offer guarantees to pass certification exams. We cover the exam objectives posted from CompTIA to the level we believe you need to help you succeed on the exam. But it is true, watching a video isn't enough. Watching a video, applying the concepts, understanding the concepts, and practicing to the point where you confidently look at the exam objectives and have no doubt or question about any of the objectives to the level specified by the verbs. That is the point you need to be to pass the exam.
All of this depends on your effort to absorb and apply not only what you see in a video but also look for context in how to apply the concepts and tools listed in the exam objectives.
The current version listed covers the topics found in the latest iteration of the CySA+ CS0-003 objectives. -
Hi Ronnie - thanks for your reply. My question was really more in line with the study plan if that wasn't clear. If I plan to go for the CS0-003 exam, which would make the most sense at this point in time, do I need to just do the CS0-003 course, or combine this with CS0-002? If I should only worry about CS0-003 materials, why the discrepancy in length? If it would be recommended to combine the course materials 002/003, shouldn't that be posted somewhere?
Our course production has changed. After considerable feedback, many of our customers wanted us to get right to point. So we shortened our openings and closings, we use illlustrations that do not stray, we tend to be more focused in our training. We no longer require episodes to be of any specific length (we were at one point 2 hrs and episode, then it was 30 minutes min then it was 20 minutes...today, as long as you cover the topic...it's a learner focus changed in our process. In the current show, we do cover all the exam objectives. It wouldn't hurt you to cover the 002 and 003 but the reality is the current iteration covers what you see on the exam objectives from CompTIA.