No network adapters error while installing ESXI 7.0.0
i am getting a no network adapters error message. I plugged in an ethernet cable into my optiplex 3050. and still same thing. what did i do wrong?
@Sven-biedermann , I hope all is well. This can happen for several different reasons. Let's start with a basic issue...
If you are installing the ESXi Server 7.0 in VMware workstation, you might encounter an error stating ‘No network adapters”. To resolve this, go to vmx file where the virtual machine is installed and make following changes.
ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000"
ethernet0.virtualDev = "vmxnet3"
IF you are installing directly onto the Optiplex hardware to use it as a physical host for VM's, then it is likely that the network adapter(s) in the system do not have drivers that are able to load and initialize as part of the ESXi 7.0 load. You will have to check with Dell and the VMware websites and see if the hardware is compatible, and if there are drivers for that model of Optiplex that will work with ESXi 7. If so, they would have to be bundled and made available as part of the loading of the ESXi O/S which is a much more involved process, as you will need to create a custom image and include the drivers in it for them to work.
Good Luck !!!