We described the process at the beginning of the show and showed the DHCP Enforcement because we wanted demonstrate what we could do within a limited environment for the DHCP enforcement. If you wanted to put DHCP server on a different server than the NAP. You would configure your DHCP server by going to your scope properties and selecting your Network Access Protection Tab and enable it for the scope. You would reconfigure your scope options for the
003 Router to use the default gateway for your NAP compliant computers; 006 DNS Server would be configured for the routers used by the NAP compliant computers and 015 DNS Domain Name would be configured for the full-access network you want to allow for your NAP compliant clients.
In your User class settings, you choose Default Network Access Protection Class and set the following:
003 Router for the default gateway used by the non compliant NAP clients. 006 DNS Servers for the non compliant NAP computers 015 DNS Domain type in a restricted domain for the non compliant NAP clients
(*user class settings may be identical to the scope options)
Ronnie Wong
Host, ITProTV